
A Message from the RROC - Motor Region

Welcome to the RROC-Motor Region Website!

The Motor Region of the Rolls-Royce Owners’ Club covers Greater Michigan as well as nearby Ontario and is one of 27 Regions of the National Rolls-Royce Owners’ Club.

We are an active chapter that produces the International Lady, an award winning quarterly publication. We host various events throughout the year, including the Spring dinner, the Annual Picnic (a judged event), and the Fall Color Tour and our Annual Holiday Dinner.

Membership in the RROC Motor Region is open to all owners and enthusiasts of Rolls-Royce and Bentley motorcars who are currently National RROC members. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Motor Region, click on Join RROC link, and request to join the Motor Region.

Feel free to “surf” the unrestricted area of our website and enjoy the many fine Rolls-Royce and Bentley Motorcars that belong to our members.

Best regards and happy motoring,

Yann LeBaron


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